Free furniture removal Watford

Charity Debra are currently advertising for good quality unwanted furniture. They can send a van and pick up for free.Based in Queens Rd,Watford.01923 804241 email

Charity Debra are currently advertising for good quality unwanted furniture.
They can send a van and pick up for free.Based in Queens Rd,Watford.01923 804241

debra charity

Van repair in Watford

After the van broke down i got WMS to pick it up from Croxley.Was informed at each stage what was wrong and what my options were.Seems a belt had slipped and broken a few internal parts. Repair came in at an eye watering £1500.           On the plus side,while replacing all … Continue reading “Van repair in Watford”

After the van broke down i got WMS to pick it up from Croxley.Was informed at each stage what was wrong and what my options were.Seems a belt had slipped and broken a few internal parts.
Repair came in at an eye watering £1500.timing belt






On the plus side,while replacing all the parts they fixed two minor oil leaks and diagnosed where my water leak was coming from(£5 fix).WMS are based down Riverside Rd WD19
